Laudato Si Faith Group


 Laudato Si Faith Group - Why Creation Care?

Read about a CBC Creation Care group in action!

Caring for Creation shows love and gratitude to our Creator, and love to our neighbor, especially the poor and vulnerable. And who is our neighbor?  We think our neighbors include all of the earth's inhabitants, human and non-human, now and in the future. 

Our Laudato Si’ Faith Journey is inspired by the encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.  In 2015, Pope Francis issued the encyclical to urgently call for us to Care for Our Common Home, and for each other better. His encyclical calls attention to our increasingly polluted world, and to how our actions harm the environment and our brothers and sisters. He brings together the findings of science and religion as he challenges us to turn away from a throw-away culture, a symptom of selfishness and self-centeredness, and instead, fulfill our Christian vocation as stewards of His gifts. When we do so, we respond to the "cry of the earth" as well as the "cry of the poor".  In Laudato Si', Pope Francis reminds us that everything in our world is interconnected, and therefore, all of our actions matter. 

  • Have you ever thought about praying for Creation? Or praying for the Care of Creation? What could be a better way to begin, than with God?

    Click this link to see some prayers we’ve collected for just this purpose.


    (If you find yourself inspired to write your own prayer, share it with us by sending it to

  • Click here to see a list of resources we found to help you learn about Creation Care, as an individual or group…

  • Want to see 15 ways you and your family can take action today? Click here to see our list…

  • The animals, plants and insects of the world need us to speak for them, and so do future generations….click here to see our suggestions…

  • Learn how CBC is embracing Laudato Si’ in our various mission sites. Click here to learn more.

Traveling soon? Check out our new Eco-Friendly Travel guide developed to help CBC missionaries and other travelers lower the environmental footprint of their journeys.

Check out one of our past projects, Creation Friendly recipes, shared nationally via the Catholic Climate Covenant’s bulletin resource web page!

Check out the resources we used for CBC’s Laudato Si’ Faith 7 Goals Journey.


Interested in getting involved? Email or complete the form below for more info.