The animals, plants and insects of the world need us to speak for them, and so do future generations….   

Learn how to talk to your friends and family about the environment.

 Become a Laudato Si’ animator.  The Laudato Si’ Movement, an international Catholic non-profit organization provides a free course virtually!  Learn about Laudato Si’ and about how to teach other people to become faithful Catholics acting on behalf of the environment.   

 Petition policy makers.  Start by signing up for Environmental Justice Action Alerts from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Explore their web page and learn how and what our bishops advocate, when it comes to environmental justice:

Then, consider writing to political leaders.  When you communicate with local and national level policy makers, you can help make a lasting difference. Here are some quick links, where you can tell your representatives that the environment matters to you.  

US Congress:

House of Representative:

US Senate:

Consider writing a letter to your newspaper.  Writing a letter to the editor has effects beyond your local community.  Legislators assign their staffs to read letters to the editor as an important barometer of constituents’ interests.  Learn here:

Encourage your favorite business to reduce packaging, reduce carbon footprint, and use environmentally friendly materials and methodologies.   Be polite and thank them for good service.

 Help clubs and organizations you belong to become more environmentally sensitive.  Check this link for ideas…   

 Join the “One-Minute Earth Helper” advocates from St James Catholic church in Illinois to easily advocate for one environmental issue every month.  How?  Send an e-mail to asking to be added to their list. A Catholic Creation Care colleague in Illinois will send you an e-mail once a month asking you to take a one-minute action such as signing a petition, sending a message to a member of Congress or a local official, etc...   These are well researched initiatives, and you will not receive anything else or be put on any lists.