Upcoming events


Event One: 1st Mission Retreat

Led by trip leader, Chuck O’Hern and trip chaplain, Fr. Stephen McGraw, the retreat will focus on getting to know one another, review of the practical aspects of the trip, such as packing, vaccinations, logistics, completion of required forms, and to give missionaries the chance for Q&A.

Location: TBD

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to Apr 15

Event Two: Team Service Project

We will be meeting at All Saints Church in Manassas for mass at 8:00am.  Please try and arrive by 7:50am so we can meet and sit as a group.  We will then drive (individually) to a breakfast type restaurant, like Panera, on the way to our service site at the Catholic Charities St. Lucy Warehouse. There we will have a coffee and a short discussion.  We will work at the warehouse sorting food or hygiene donation from approximately 10:00-12:00.

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