Compassion and Gratitude

My name is Thomas and I’m a junior at Troy University. This summer I was blessed to have the chance to travel to Jamaica for a week-long mission trip with Commissioned By Christ. In 2022 I  had the amazing opportunity to go to Kenya with CBC and was eager to get to go on another mission trip. I knew Jamaica would give me the opportunity to experience a new culture, meet new people, grow in my faith, and experience Christ in the people we would serve.

One moment that really impacted me on this trip was when we visited the Mustard Seed Gift of Hope community. We were told the night before that we would be visiting a community for children with various mental and physical disabilities and would be helping the staff feed them breakfast, but none of us really knew what we were getting into.

Rain the morning of our visit made it so we would not be able to help with breakfast as the children would be remaining in their rooms and not eating in the dining room. I was feeling conflicted at this point because I had been a bit nervous about how well I was going to be able to interact with the children, but I was also sad we wouldn’t be able to spend time with them. However, this turn of events led to the most impactful moment of the mission trip for me.

We were ushered into the community’s chapel and while we were getting sprinkled by some of the rain coming in through the open doors, director Ann-Marie Parker-Dale told us her story and the story of Mustard Seed Gift of Hope. Her passion and love for the children she was helping was so evident and I have never met anyone who cared as much about helping the less fortunate than she did. She told us multiple miracles she had experienced during her time at Gift of Hope, including one about a little boy with a partially formed skull. She remembered being able to see the brain through the skin in the top of the child’s head, but one morning when she woke up the baby’s skull had miraculously healed overnight like “the hand of God'' had smoothed it over. After hearing the inspiring stories we got a tour of the facilities and the new and improved and freshly painted playroom and got to spend a few minutes with some of the children.

I left this visit with a sense of wonder and admiration for the work Ann-Marie and her staff were able to do for these children. They sacrifice so much to make life easier for the kids, some even walking hours both ways to work. Ann-Marie’s passion and love were so evident and powerful, and her respect for the human dignity of every child in her care has led to a new found sense of respect and love for every person I come across in my daily life.

As I reflect on my journey in Jamaica, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and inspiration. This mission trip not only allowed me to immerse myself in a vibrant new culture and meet remarkable individuals, but it also deepened my faith in ways I could never have anticipated. Witnessing the unwavering dedication of Ann-Marie and her team at Mustard Seed Gift of Hope was a transformative experience that has left a mark on my heart. 

Through this mission, I have learned the true meaning of service and the incredible impact that compassion and love can have on the lives of others. The stories shared and the moments spent with the children have instilled in me a renewed respect for the dignity and worth of every person. I am more committed than ever to live out these values in my daily interactions, inspired by the selflessness and devotion I witnessed in Jamaica.

I encourage anyone considering a mission trip to take that step of faith. The opportunity to serve others, grow spiritually, and experience the world from a new perspective is invaluable. My time in Jamaica was a blessing that continues to shape my journey, and I am eager to carry forward the lessons I found there into all aspects of my life.

By Thomas, CBC Missionary to Jamaica


The Beauty of Human Connection