Little Acts of Kindness

My first full day in Kenya I awoke with a feeling of excitement and anticipation. We would be getting to spend the entire afternoon with the girls. I was just as eager to learn about them as they were to learn about me. We talked about school and university, music, hobbies and boys. It dawned on me that even though these girls live in vastly different circumstances then I do in the U.S., we are much more similar than we are different. We are all God’s children.

As I spend more time with the girls at the school and the local village boys, I struggle with an internal sense of guilt. Why do I have so much more and they have so much less? Why do I get meals with meat + eggs and they do not? I want to help everyone and when I can’t I feel powerless. Then Fr. Rich said something at the group. You can’t help everyone and its frustrating, but you can do little acts of kindness. So I will continue to do my little acts of kindness through my daily life after I have to say goodbye to this magical place.

by Teri, CBC Missionary to Kenya, July 2019 


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