To Dear Visitors.....
Saying final goodbyes until the next mission trip...
Letter from Lucy, student of Mother of Mercy Girls School
To Dear CBC Visitors (of Kenya),
It has been so good since you came to our school – Mother of Mercy Girls Secondary. We have learned a lot from you and I hope that you have also learned something from us. I really appreciate the gift you gave us and we pray that God will bless the work of your hands! Wish that you would have come to stay here forever but that is impossible. I only pray that you will have another chance to come and visit us again. I say thank you so much for reminding us that we are all one no matter what differences we have, we are all united by one person and that is God. I feel so bad knowing that you are going to leave us, but we pray to God that you will have a nice journey. I hope that we can continue advising and encouraging each other. Thank you so much for helping Sr. Rose in the development of our school and that symbolizes your love and care for us. I love you so much, Lucy
P.S. You are a great gift to us from God. May you all go with my LOVE.