Feliz Cumpleaños

Today was my birthday, and while I’ve had some great celebrations, today was exceptional. There were extraordinary welcomes, a birthday party, two cakes, sharing of gifts, prayers, singing and dancing, and almost none of it was specifically for me. Yes, this makes me, the introvert, pretty happy, but it is a great reminder that it’s not ‘all about me’ and that making someone feel loved and welcome is something worthy of being shared every day.

The group’s scripture reflections today centered around Romans 12:1-9. Be transformed and use our individual gifts, from God, to transform the world. It was a perfect setting to the day.

We started the morning with mass in Monte Castillo where we were welcomed by a huge crowd yelling, cheering, setting off fireworks, for us–strangers they had never met before and may never see again, simply to give us an extraordinary welcome (not quite the welcome we give to average tourists in DC).

Jason and I had the blessing of going to mass with our ‘adopted family’, Angela and her kids, 4 yr old Maria, and 11 yr old Segundo. It was so wonderful to see and hug them! We’ve corresponded via mail this year but greeting them in person is completely different.

After mass we visited a drug and alcohol rehab center, where the men led us in the most incredible, joyful, singing and we introduced ourselves to one another. According to the staff, this is the only drug rehab center in Peru that is voluntary, where participants do not all sleep in 1 large room, and they do not receive punishments. Their singing, and overall welcome (in the middle of their lunch, no less) was equally as extraordinary.

During the afternoon we visited the girls’ orphanage. I’m happy to report that Santisimo Sacramento and many generous donors have helped to restore the dorm and kitchen after the fire this winter. It is beautiful! New beds, new ceiling and walls freshly painted with Disney characters–the girls and the 3 nuns who oversee the orphanage are very happy! They have also found donors so that the girls have access to food and clean water. Gracias de Dios!

They, of course, won over the hearts of everyone in our group with their kindness, friendship, and mad volleyball skills. They took us each by the hand, showed us their home, danced with us, asked us questions about our lives and genuinely wanted to hear the answer. Such authentic love.

Today was also Father Joe’s mother’s birthday (she’s in her 80’s and lives in Oklahoma) so they, of course, held a birthday fiesta in her honor, complete with cake and pinata.

So many of our group’s discussions tonight centered on the extraordinary welcome we received and the genuine love that was shown by everyone we encountered today. What the people we met lacked in material things, they have so much more abundantly in their hearts.

I came across this homily, about Romans 12, while planning tonight’s reflection, and it really struck me. The gifts we receive here are priceless, and the best birtday gifts I could imagine.

“When we look at everyone we encounter as a beloved brother or sister, and recognize that all the goodness in us is also present in them, we find that God is there.

When we relate to the people around us with compassion, we find God’s compassion surrounding us all. That’s where we look for God. Not in the busyness of a big church, or in some supernatural experience, but in the ordinary, everyday compassion towards other people.

We find God’s love waiting for us in a hug from a friend or in the embrace of a child or a parent. We find God’s love waiting for us in the satisfaction of a good day’s work with friends. We find God’s love waiting for us as we extend ordinary compassion to another human being who is hurting–for whatever reason. When we offer simple respect and kindness to those we meet, we find God, who is constantly surrounding us with compassion.”

by Leigh Ann Slonka


Hands and Feet