“It’s so important that CBC is carrying out that directive to go out to the ends of the world and proclaim the good news.”
— Very Rev. Patrick Posey, Director, Arlington Mission Office and Pastor, Cathedral of St. Thomas More
In 1991 the Diocese of Arlington adopted the parishes of Bánica and Pedro Santana, with the welcome and support of the Bishop of San Juan de la Maguana, in the Dominican Republic. Since then, the Diocese has provided priests, volunteers, and material support, and donations to the more than 13,000 faithful people living in the towns of Bánica, Pedro Santana, Sabana Cruz, and the more than 60 surrounding rural communities known as campos.
Based in Arlington, Virginia, USA, the Arlington Mission Office leads the coordination of missionary efforts for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, VA. From their offices in Arlington, the team works with both local missions and with missionaries from all over the world. The two major roles of the Arlington Mission Office is to coordinate missionary work for the Pontifical Mission Societies and to coordinate missionary work for the Diocese of Arlington’s mission in the Dominican Republic, the Bánica Mission.